Economic Empowerment of youth and women

Economic Empowerment for Youth and Women

AlMahrousa is keen to empoweryouth and womenas a priority based on the belief that they are the change makers, and that they createa permanent positiveimpact in their communities,considering them one of the most important factors of effective change asthey are the voice of local communities in expressing their needs and claiming their rights.Therefore, the organization continues to build the capacities of youthand women and empower them through its fields of work. To achieve this strategic objective, the organization works to provide them with various skills that enable them to engage efficiently and effectively in the society. AlMahrousaEconomic Empowerment Program for Youth and Women aims at empowering youth and women economically by supporting entrepreneurshipas one of the most important development interventions needed. The program includes series of initiatives that enablethe empowerment of youth and women through enhancing their personal and skillsdevelopment,as well as helping to provide support in their entrepreneurial projects and accelerate their growth so that they can establish and manage their own projects. The program contributes to their integration into the labor market by matching young jobseekers with employers and providing the necessary training.

The program consists of:

  • Training on the establishment and management of projects (entrepreneurship).
  • Training on career guidance and development.
  • Providing Financial and legal support and consultancy services.
  • Training on international labor standards and labor rights.
  • Advocacy Campaigns dedicated to change negative perceptions of youth and society about technical and craftsmanship jobs.